Pictures of ugly houses from an entire world which you can shock and surprised about their exterior look there are many houses owner who wants their house unique way to identify and know their cities and country. Most of the houses are from Belgium their people are crazy about the concept of the ugly house and spend a good amount to make the house ugly.


Mouth Tooth Exterior Ugly House

A complete entrance and house front view are designed with monster types of big teeth. An exterior is made from wooden or plastic material which can light up at night time to look more ugly house.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

Ugly House Garage

Another monster tooth with eyes designed here on the house garage shutter to look ugly house. A shutter can open that mouth open kind of feeling comes and a shutter close can shut the mouth type of feeling happen.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

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Face Shape Ugly House

The owner of this house is an opportunity taker they can take advantage of a house outside view of a window used as eyes and put the teeth at the entrance of the house. Ugly house photos are described as the complete face of men with heads or caps or something wear type of design.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

Up And Down Ugly House Photos

This house is located in the Belgium village and designed the house complete bottom to down with a complete set of everything like a bench, grass cutter, and everything set upside down. A village location area house has a good space to show its unique house design. This is an upside-down house and it is also considered an ugly house in some parts of the USA and Europe area.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

Face Shape Ugly House

A triangle shape house entrance design is a different way to complete a bricks exterior along with a round window for an outside view for an eye look given with vertical windows for an upside room which can consider as a nose and a main big white door considered as a mouth of the house that gives that complete ugly house. The architecture of these face-shaped ugly houses will become craziest before coming to the demand for designing these types of houses.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

A square shape with windows set as eyes and the main gate or garage gate set as a mouth of the house which complete seem like a face house which can be called ugly house as well.

Pictures Of Ugly Houses
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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

Mustaches face-shaped house with black colors exterior there are many people who want a good house with attractive design and architect no issue if you are living in a tiny house or big house but looks attractive but here is the house owner design their exterior just like a man with mustaches you can see Charlie Champlain in it.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

Small House Ugly House

A small carpet area with a vertical house can have a single-story building which can have an unusual way to take steps over the top of the house which can give this house an ugly house mark. A house has a wide area are a very less but long way they are using their house completely like Japanese house design.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

Ugly House Photos

Gray hat design-shaped house has an unusual way to fitted open shaded for with gaps on top. This house gets an ugly look for it is shades of design use. A completely made iron sheet which can be painted with grey color to look more ugly.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

This house is made with open bricks with an ugly shape design a complete not measure way to design windows, doors, and ceilings

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

Rock ugly house photo this house owner made this house between two giant rocks at a hill in a village with the entrance of door and ceilings are created.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

A rock ugly house which is completely natural covered by plants and trees. The House exterior is completely messy and does not look good means a complete ugly house.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

A corner design house with a giant iron frame installed in front of the house. With color, blue gives this house a good look but consider an ugly one.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses

Belgium Ugly House Photos

A massive ceiling design with the three-story house along the unpredictable way to fitted windows and color are not matched with house exterior that can give house ugly look.

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Pictures Of Ugly Houses


What is the ugliest house?

In USA and Belgium many want to design their house as a ugly one there are still not got any perfect award got which one is the ugliest house

What is the ugliest house in America?

There are called “the Kessler colossus” and is the given American ugliest house.

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